

A few months ago notification popped into my e-mail that I had my first follower!

I was intrigued by this and wondered what it was about my thoughts and words that would make somebody want to follow… me! I was quite happy airing my simple musings on life and getting two or three likes was a bonus!

But a few months on and I have got so much from writing this blog that it’s actually hard to verbalise it! It is probably most accurate to say what I have got is a clatter of (slang, means a lot of), new feelings… Feeling alive… feeling hope, feeling affirmed, feeling focused, feeling capable, feeling connected and feeling like I count for something!

I have enjoyed penning a few thoughts for about 10 years now, starting to journal when I hit 40! But my writing has become more frequent since joining WordPress.  It is also more enjoyable and more purposeful!

Some days the daily prompt really resonates with me and I find myself compelled to write. Some days I read an amazing post and get to see a whole new perspective and I just have to comment. Other days I hear the pain in your words and I just have to share some support.  Some days your comments lift my lagging spirits and help me believe that anything is possible!

Today I hit 100 followers and it made me feel so grateful! The number is not important to me. I will still write whether I have 1 or 100 followers but it reminded me of the 100’s of ways I have been blessed by being a WordPress Blogger! And, now I know that if, together, we can realise our potential and encourage each other to flourish, then this one day has been a good day!

Here are just a few of the 100’s of kind and thought-filled comments that make me so grateful for creating time for Create Space…and getting to know all of you!

“That’s a good idea.
Thank you so much for reading, so glad you enjoyed it.
So grateful for your lovely comment.
Thanks for stopping by.
You definitely deserved the nomination!!!
Thanks so much for your note.
Thank you for sharing.
I do enjoy reading your posts.
I appreciate your love and positively towards me.
I send love and happiness to you!
Have a great rest of your day.
Close-knit – lovely metaphor, Marie.
Love this family to…sister!
I agree! Well said…
I appreciate you words, it helps a lot at the moment.
That’s awesome!
LOVE IT!!! ♥
Thank you for your warm comment and encouragement.
It’s a very beautiful post, one that gives me hope…
I agree with you whole-heartedlly.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a great day!”

I truly hope each one of you has a good day and if it’s not a good day…just know that today is, and we all are, good enough!! Believe in yourself and all thoes you meet throughout your day and then watch as wonderous things happen!

Much love,

Marie x