
Create Space

Creating, living, learning.

Attitude & Altitude

Can a conversation with a taxi driver alter your life’s journey?


Recently I was very privileged to have a conversation with what I can only describe as an amazing human “being” – a taxi driver.  He told me he was 80 and when asked why he wasn’t retired and taking life easy, he said his wife had died recently and he had nobody to talk to at home.  I though how sad and lonely that must be but he proceed to tell me that he took up taxi driving because he enjoyed chatting to customers.

He told me he had come through throat cancer, a heart attack, a stroke and recently had his knee replaced.  His friend introduced him to music and as a result he has been going to college, learning music for the last 3 years.  I told him he was amazing and asked what was his secret?  He replied “two things, attitude and altitude”.  I asked what he meant and was blown away when he said “It’s all down to how I look at things, my “attitude” and my love of sky diving or “altitude”.  His last sky dive was in February of this year!  He also uses Facebook!  Hands up anybody who would like to be this adventurous, tech savvy and active at 80 plus!

So can we broaden our horizons of understanding of life by studying our taxi driver?    How many widows or widowers are home alone and lonely?  How difficult must life be when a life-partner dies and leaves you all alone?  How many days might you go without talking to another adult?  What determination and resilience must it take to face up to this new stage of life?  If our mental and physical health allow, we can seek out social interaction and new challenges.  However, if our physical health restricts our movement, life’s horizons becomes limited.  Likewise if anxiety or depression are present, it might accelerate loneliness by resisting social interaction and increasing isolation.  Can we be proactive like this taxi driver?  How can we continue “being” when life as we knew it is no more?  Our taxi driver resisted isolation, he sought out social interaction – human company through his taxi business.  He engaged in new learning.  He maintained a positive attitude and took on new challenges in life and online.  And what can we do?  We can begin by questioning our attitude to life.  Are we on a roundabout, just going round and round?  In other words are we living without questioning our thoughts and behaviours?  Are we caught in ground-hog day, denying ourselves the opportunity to grow, to learn from our experiences.  We can take time out to consider ourselves, our family and our neighbours.  Let’s keep an eye out in our family and neighbourhood for somebody who might be a lonely and give a gentle check-in to ascertain how they’re coping.  Or how about visiting a local Nursing or Retirement Home. Maybe our visit could brighten somebody’s day and we might even be takenaback by how positive that makes us feel!

I wish you a day filled with happiness in your own company or in the company of others!



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A reminder to… Create Space!

I love this reminder from lovetheloa which I found on Instagram.

Don’t be afraid to Create Space for yourself today!

A fond farewell…Juke

Juke had the ability to look into our souls.


On Friday our much loved Polish Lowland Sheep dog Juke, quietly passed away.  I am as upset as if I lost a close relative.  He was a wonderful watch dog and a very important part of our family.

I want to share Emma’s tribute to Juke from her Instagram account @Dorismakesmyday


“I dont know how I can sum up 14 years in a couple of paragraphs, but here goes.

I remember the first day you came home, sitting by my mothers legs, not even reaching her knee. I remember all the hours we spent, you sitting on the picnic table while I brushed your coat, remarkably calm only for those few moments.

I remember your hatred for the vet, and how he put a name to that face you were famous for, the ‘fuck off face.’  His amazement at how much sedative it took to finally put you under before your neuter. (Enough to sedate a German Shepard & a Jack Russel)

Your love for car journeys, how you sat by my side looking out the window on all our camping adventures and how you would wake us up at the crack of dawn to let us know someone had passed our window, much to our frustration.

How you made Marley, of Marley and Me, look like the worlds best behaved dog by destroying our lawnmower (you ate the basket), our deep freezer (you ate the power cord), our camper van (by eating the spark plug), our couch and our car (by destroying the wheel arch).

But mostly I will remember you as the fiercely independent and fearless dog you were. How affection wasn’t your thing but yet when I was sad or anxious you always knew. Despite your total dislike for cuddles, you would come and sit by me and let me wrap my arms around you and cry until you decided I was feeling better and then you would go back to being the aloof boy that you were.

Thank you for being my therapist, my entertainment, my best friend and my inspiration. Thank you for being brave till the very end. 14 years wasn’t long enough but they were the best 14 years I could have asked for. I will miss your little sausage tail and your happy little trot. I love you, I miss you.”

Juke wasn’t impressed with Emma’s choice of pink but he patiently let her dress him up!

Le grà,

Mindfully Marie xx

The Power is yours… Quote No. 32 “Encourage Yourself Encourage Other”


Quote No.32 from Encourage Yourself Encourage Others by Anne Devine.


Our horizons may be limited geographically but they are creatively wide open!

How will you change up your routine today?

Le grà,

Mindfully Marie xx

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The Power is yours… Quote No. 35 “Encourage Yourself Encourage Other”

Quote No.35 from Encourage Yourself Encourage Others by Anne Devine.


I think the key word here is “your.”  Don’t try to live your life to somebody else’s expectations or level of ability.

Have the courage to be imperfect and remind yourself that courage develops of the back of trial and error.  Courage means pushing yourself onwards in spite of the fear you feel.

How will you live your life to the best of your ability today?  How courageous do you feel?  Share what gave you courage in the past.
Le grà,

Mindfully Marie xx

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The Power is yours… Quote No. 39 “Encourage Yourself Encourage Other”

Quote No.39 from Encourage Yourself Encourage Others by Anne Devine.


The behaviour I find difficult is feeling ignored.  Thankfully with each day that passes I am learning that I don’t need to feel ignored, I no longer want that feeling and I’m getting better at letting that feeling go.

I’ve also learned that when you learn how to find yourself you no longer feel isolated or lonely any more.  You realise you have a unique voice and you feel empowered to use it.

Anne reminds us that “Nobody likes to be… talked about behind their backs.”  Try today to catch yourself in the act of gossip.  It is not a nice personality trait to have and observing this habit in yourself, is the first step to changing it.  “Keep kindness to yourself and others high on your priority list.”

Here Mich of michnavs shines a light on gossip culture in the Philippines.  A worthwhile read…

What behaviour upsets you most? 

Le grà,

Mindfully Marie xx

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The Power is yours… Quote No. 40 “Encourage Yourself Encourage Other”

Quote No. 40 from Encourage Yourself Encourage Others by Anne Devine.


‘Thank you,’ two simple words that are often not so simple to say.  Sometimes we brush off a compliment rather than acknowledging it and saying thank you.  Sometimes we have the best of intention but being busy or complacent, we neglect saying thank you for a kindness received.  Remember “A simple thank you is all that is needed.”

Thank you” for your visit and company today!

When have you struggled to say thank you?
Le grà,

Mindfully Marie xx

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The Power is yours… Quote No. 43 “Encourage Yourself Encourage Other”

Quote No. 43 from Encourage Yourself Encourage Others by Anne Devine.


I feel like Anne wrote this one especially for me!

I’m enjoying the challenge of showing up to my blog, almost daily, to share Anne’s warm and insightfully encouraging quotes.  I’m also writing a gratitude journal.  Reading back through my Journal on Christmas Day last was the best gift I gave myself for Christmas and I’m pretty sure my happiness in sharing some precious memories flowed over onto my family.

What do you do to encourage yourself and encourage others?

Le grà,

Mindfully Marie xx

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The Power is yours… Quote No. 45 “Encourage Yourself Encourage Other”

Quote No.45 from Encourage Yourself Encourage Others by Anne Devine.


Our beautiful weather of the past few weeks was such a blessing.  We enjoyed many meals outdoors.  The best temperature we noted was around 18 degrees, as nice as an average summer’s day.  But that weather has changed to much cooler, 7 to 12 degrees and showery.  There is a feel of winter back in it again.  I’m challenging myself to find the positives in it, such as the freshness of the air after a heavy shower.

What positives are you noticing about today’s weather where you are?
Le grà,

Mindfully Marie xx

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The Power is yours… Quote No. 49 “Encourage Yourself Encourage Other”

Quote No. 49 from Encourage Yourself Encourage Others by Anne Devine.



We are all learning to accept the imposed boundaries of lockdown. Some of us are finding it easier than others.  Now might be a good time to consider if the boundaries we have in our own lives are helpful or if they could do with being revised.  It takes courage and maturity to “Accept that what others do is their business.”
Le grà,

Mindfully Marie xx


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